Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Randomness

So today I have been very very unproductive. I decided to sleep in so I slept until like 2:30. The only thing I have done today, besides shower, is iron some clothes that I've been needing to iron since I unpacked and listen to music on YouTube. So a day full of exciting nothingness.

Speaking of music, I can't access my Rhapsody account since I am in France they will not let me. Which really sucks a lot! I also can't use my Hulu account because I am in France which also sucks because I was hoping to watch a couple of shows while here. Furthermore, I thought I would be smart and go the the network websites and watch the shows I want to watch on there and guess what...thats right they won't stream their videos since I am in France. So that sucks. But, I didn't get on today to complain about my inability to watch my shows or listen to my music. I got on today because as I was showering I had a thought:

"Would Joe Paterno still be alive if he was doing what he loved -coaching the Penn State football team - and not in the midst of this scandal?"

I mean lets face it the man was old. He was 85 when the good lord called him home, but who can say he wasn't going to live to be 90, 95, or 100. I think there is something to be said about dying from heartbreak. I'm not sure if it has ever been scientifically proven, but I think legitimately someone can die from heartbreak and pain.
Lets take all those stories of those couples who have been married for like 50+ years and both individuals die within weeks of each other or even days of each other. Would the second one still be alive if their soulmate hadn't past away first. Would the second spouse have died anyway thus causing the first one to die?....I hope that makes sense.

So that last paragraph is why I should not blog. That was my randomness for the day I must now go a try to study for a test I have tomorrow.

Ohh before I go, since I did start this blog to chronicle my time in France, I must tell you that yesterday as I was walking around downtown some guy can up to me and asked me if I wanted to buy drugs. Yes, you read it right - drugs. Maybe it was because I was wearing sweats, idk, but buy drugs?!?! So as I handed him my money and walked away, I pondered why he decided I was the one to ask. hahaha Thats was certainly a first!

Disclaimer: I didn't actually buy drugs from the guy. I was joking. I said no and walked away. I have never and will never try any illicit recreational drug.

1 comment:

  1. LOL @ your disclaimer. Yeah bc everyone thinks you do drugs ;)
