Sunday, March 25, 2012

Random Post with Quotes

So I think my thinker is broken because I haven't come up with any good ideas recently. haha This post is going to sort of be random because nothing new to report from France other than the fact I just finished a group paper and sent it in. Ohh also someone stole a rather large sum of money from me, but other than that nothing new.

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about politics and our public political discourse, religion, race relations and racism, homophobia, my future, life in general, and how they all tie together. I have come up with some interesting thoughts, so maybe my thinker isn't broken after all. Stay posted on some musings from those thoughts in later posts.

So as you can imagine if I'm not exploring some castle, travelling, playing ultimate frisbee (a game I really like, come to find out) or doing anything possible to avoid doing school work then I am on the internet. I ran across a website that I think is relatively new and its very interesting. It's devoted to woman pioneers and trailblazers. I have watched some of the videos of different woman and they are truly inspiring. There are a few quotes that I pulled from a two of the videos yesterday I really liked:

"Even in math when you  multiply 2 negatives you get a positive"
Said by Linda Alvarado who started her own contracting company many years ago. The 2 negatives she speaks about is that she is Hispanic and a woman in a white male dominated world. Additionally, she co-owner of the Colorado Rockies first Hispanic owner in MLB.

"Just because it hasn't been done doesn't mean its not possible"
Also by Alvarado. I like this quote because I've always thought this way in my decision making.

"Don't find excuses; find reasons to succeed"
This was Alvarado's mother who said this to her growing up. I think many people of color get caught up on the excuses of why they can't succeed as opposed to finding reasons to succeed.

"If you can't take criticism, then you aren't ready to make hard decisions"
By Condoleezza Rice talking about criticisms she received while in office as Secretary of State. She is extremely smart woman.

"No one needs to teach me how to be black. I have been black all my life"
Also by Rice. The videos never reveal the question but I can assume it was about the criticism she has received throughout her life of "not being black enough". I know I have heard that many of times growing up. But, in her video she makes a good point about how she hopes that as a community we have come far enough that we can realize and celebrate the diversity within our own community, rather than criticizing our own for differing interest. Rice is the perfect example: black girl who grew up in Birmingham Alabama in the 60's with an interest in the Soviet Union and Russia. For those who don't know she is fluent in Russian.


That awkward moment when you hear music coming down your hall and you want to find out where it is coming from, but as you stop at one door to hear if the music is coming from that room the occupant opens the door. *creeper* hahahaha

That didn't actually happen but I did hear music and thought about looking for it, however, I thought about that situation and decided not to do it. Besides, with the language barrier it would make it 10X worse.

But that's enough of my randomness. I have to go to bed because I start a new module tomorrow morning on Corporate Finance yay! Pretty pumped about that. Also, here in France they do observe DST they just change their clocks a couple weeks after we do in the states. I, however, did not know this. So really I have no clue what time it is right now because my laptop is still on KS time and my watches I have to change manually and I thought my phone would change by itself as most phones do, but I'm pretty sure it has the same time as my watches and lord knows I haven't changed my time on my watches.<--- long sentence! So I hope I get to class on time. I had something else to post but I can't remember what it was so when I remember I will post it...maybe.

Just A Thought!

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